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The synergistic effect of carbon concentration and high temperature on lipid peroxidation in Peridinium gatunense
Authors:Butow, Barbara   Wynne, David   Sukenik, Assaf   Hadas, Ora   Tel-Or, Elisha
Affiliation:1Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research, The Yigal Allon Kinneret Limnological Laboratory POB 345, Tiberias, 14102 2Department of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Rehovot 76100 3Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research, National Institute of Oceanography Tel Shikmona, POB 8030, Israel
Abstract:Lipid peroxidation in Peridinium samples taken from two differentdepths in Lake Kinneret fluctuated throughout the spring withan overall increasing trend. Samples from 0.5 and 5 m showeda similar peroxidation pattern, which was maximal after thefall off in algal biomass. The rapid decline in Peridinium biomasscoincided with ambient lake temperatures of 21–23C. Fattyacid composition profiles were similar at both depths, althoughafter the peak of the bloom, a significant increase in polyunsaturatedfatty acids and oleic acid was only found at 0.5 m, togetherwith a decrease in the percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids.These effects were related to ambient light stress rather thana result of lipid peroxidation. Lake samples taken at differentperiods of the bloom and incubated at various temperatures showeddifferential peroxidation. Higher temperatures caused increasedlipid peroxidation, but this appeared to be dependent on thesampling period. Samples withdrawn from the lake at the beginningof the bloom showed little peroxidation after a 5 day incubationat 14C, room temperature (25C) or ambient lake temperature(16C) compared to mid-bloom samples in which there was a significantincrease in peroxidation when they were incubated at room temperature(25C) or ambient lake temperature (22C). Incubation at 14Cinhibited peroxidation; however, samples from mid-bloom againshowed enhanced peroxidation compared with those from the beginningof the bloom. These in situ results suggested a relationshipbetween temperature, another environmental variable during thebloom and lipid peroxidation in Peridinium. As total dissolvedinorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations fall significantly duringthe progress of the bloom and represent an important sourceof environmental stress, laboratory experiments were establishedto investigate the synergistic effect of temperature and carbonnutrition on lipid peroxidation in Peridinium cultures. Increasedtemperature alone caused a slight increase in lipid peroxidation,but this was greatly augmented by carbon limitation. Althoughcarbon limitation induced increased catalase activity, at highertemperatures activity declined after 48 h, allowing for thesubstantial increase in lipid peroxidation.
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