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Phenology of the Predatory Bugs Orius vicinus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) and Sejanus albisignata (Heteroptera: Miridae) in Otago, New Zealand, Apple Orchards
Authors:C. Howard Wearing   Bernie Attfield
Abstract:The phenology of the anthocorid, Orius vicinus and the mirid, Sejanus albisignata , was studied in apple orchards in Otago, New Zealand, from 1995 to 1998. The bugs were sampled on shoot and fruit clusters, and with beating trays and passive sticky traps. Three age classes of each bug were identified in the cluster and tray sampling, while the traps caught only adults. Both cluster and beating tray sampling successfully identified the generations. O. vicinus completed two generations per year with peak numbers of adults of each generation occurring in January and February/March, respectively. A very small partial third generation occurred in the warmest season. Adult females from the second generation overwintered. S. albisignata completed two full generations and a partial third generation each season. Peak adult numbers of each generation occurred, respectively, in December/January, February/March and April/May. S. albisignata overwinters in the egg stage but the proportions of these eggs from the three generations are not known. Both O. vicinus and S. albsignata are polyphagous and a range of their known prey species coexist with them on the apple trees in spring and summer.
Keywords:Orius Vicinus  Sejanus Albisignata  Phenology  Predatory Bugs  Apple
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