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Ultrastructure of the Cuticle of Loricifera and Demonstration of Chitin using Gold-Labelled Wheat Germ Agglutinin
Authors:Birger Neuhaus,&dagger  ,Reinhardt Mø  bjerg Kristensen&dagger  ,and Werner Peters&dagger  
Affiliation:Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100, Copenhagen Ø, Denmark;Institute for Zoology, Chair for Morphology and Cell Biology, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Universitätsstr. 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
Abstract:The pharyngeal and lorical cuticles of adult and larval Loricifera were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. LR White sections of larval and adult Loricifera were labelled with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) conjugated to colloidal gold. The pharyngeal cuticle of Nanaloricus mysticus exhibits a multilaminate epicuticle and an amorphous basal layer with osmiophilic fibres. The lorical cuticle consists of an osmiophilic or trilaminate epicuticle, one to three amorphous layer(s), and a basal fibrous layer which is strongly labelled by the lectin-gold conjugate. Chitinase treatment or competitive inhibition with N-, N '-, N "-triacetylchitotriose exclude labelling almost completely, whereas competitive inhibition with N -acetyl-D-glucosamine does not affect labelling intensity. The binding of WGA in connection with competition experiments indicates the presence of chitin in the fibrous layer. In most areas of a section, three amorphous layers extend below the epicuticle of the Nanaloricidae. Only in favourably orientated sections can all three "amorphous" layers be seen to be formed by stacks of lamellae. Modified articulation sites with bundles of osmiophilic longitudinal fibres and an osmiophilic plate (Nanaloricidae only) occur in adult Loricifera, but not in the larval stages. The ultrastructure of the lorical cuticle of the Loricifera resembles that of other Nemathelminthes (= Aschelminthes). The morphology of the articulation sites and the number of lorical plates seem to differ between the Loricifera and Priapulida. Therefore, it is currently not possible to conclude whether the lorica of the Loricifera and Priapulida are homologous structures. © 1997 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
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