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Inhibiting Effect of Ammonium Ion in Protoplast Culture of Some Asteraceae Plants
Authors:Okamura, Masachika   Hayashi, Toshio   Miyazaki, Sadami
Affiliation:1Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo Komaba, Tokyo 153, Japan
2Faculty of Agriculture, University of Saga Honjo, Saga 840, Japan
Abstract:Protoplasts with high division activity were obtained reproduciblyfrom mesophyll cells of axenic shoot culture of three wild speciesof Asteraceae, Artemisia vulgaris L., Chrysanthemum indicumL. and Ch. zawadskii Herbich, by means of a suitable combinationof enzymes with a gentle pipetting treatment. Ammonium ion was found to inhibit cell division in the protoplastculture of these Asteraceae species but to accelerate it inthe case of tobacco. The inhibiting effect of ammonium ion wasdrastic on the protoplast of Artemisia but moderate on thatof Ch. indicum and Ch. zawadskii. The total concentration ofthe major inorganic elements had little effect on the divisionfrequency of protoplasts in these species. 3Present address: Kirin Brewery Co., Ltd., Plant Research Center,Kitsuregawa, Tochigi-ken 329-14, Japan. (Received October 12, 1983; Accepted December 20, 1983)
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