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Chromosome pairing and potential for intergeneric recombination in some hypotetraploid somatic hybrids of Lycopersicon esculentum (+) Solanum tuberosum.
Authors:J H Jong  A M Wolters  J M Kok  H Verhaar  J Eden
Abstract:Three somatic hybrids resulting from protoplast fusions of a diploid kanamycin-resistant line of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and a dihaploid hygromycin-resistant transformant of a monohaploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) line were used for a cytogenetic study on chromosome pairing and meiotic recombination. Chromosome counts in root-tip meristem cells revealed two hypotetraploids with chromosome complements of 2n = 46 and one with 2n = 47. Electron microscope analyses of synaptonemal complex spreads of hypotonically burst protoplasts at mid prophase I showed abundant exchanges of pairing partners in multivalents involving as many as eight chromosomes. In the cells at late pachytene recombination nodules were found in multivalents on both sides of pairing partner exchanges, indicating recombination at both homologous and homoeologous sites. Light microscope observations of pollen mother cells at late diakinesis and metaphase I also revealed multivalents, though their occurrence in low frequencies betrays the reduction of multivalent number and complexity. Precocious separation of half bivalents at metaphase I and lagging of univalents at anaphase I were observed frequently. Bridges, which may result from an apparent inversion loop found in the synaptonemal complexes of a mid prophase I nucleus, were also quite common at anaphase I, though the expected accompanying fragments could be detected in only a few cells. Most striking were the high frequencies of first division restitution in preparations at metaphase II/anaphase II, giving rise to unreduced gametes. In spite of the expected high numbers of balanced haploid and diploid gametes, male fertility, as revealed by pollen staining, was found to be negligible.
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