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Have your cake and eat it too: male sand gobies show more parental care in the presence of female partners
Authors:Pampoulie, Christophe   Lindstrom, Kai   St. Mary, Colette M.
Affiliation:a Department of Ecology and Systematics, Zoological Laboratory, P.O. Box 65, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland b Marine Research Institute, Division of Population Genetics, c/o Biotechnology House, Keldnaholt, IS-112 Reykjavík, Iceland c Department of Zoology, P.O. Box 118525, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-8525, USA
Abstract:Traditionally, male parental effort and mate attraction effortare expected to be in conflict as they compete for the sameresource budget. However, the quality of care provided by themale may be of a direct benefit to females and may provide animportant mate choice cue. In a laboratory experiment, we examinedhow males modified their parental behavior with respect to matingopportunity by allowing male sand gobies to mate with a singlefemale either in a big or small nest (a constraint on futuremating potential). We then exposed half of these males to thevisual stimulus from additional females and recorded male eggfanning and nest building (two components of care), courtshipbehavior, and reproductive success through out the brood cycle.We found that males fanned longer and more frequently and didmore nest construction in the presence of females and in bignests. Males guarding large nests courted females more thandid males guarding small nests. All males consumed eggs duringthe brood cycle, but complete clutch cannibalism was most frequentwhen males were guarding small nests in the absence of females.The pattern of filial cannibalism that we observed suggeststhat males prematurely terminated care when their reproductivepotential was low, that is, when there was little nest spacefor additional mating and no mates present. We found no supportfor a trade-off between mate attraction and parental care. Indeed,taken together our results suggest that males may use parentalcare as a courtship strategy and that males who invest in mateattraction also have higher parental effort.
Keywords:courtship   filial cannibalism   males   mate attraction   parental behavior   sand gobies.
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