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Why hummingbirds have such large crops
Authors:F. Lynn Carpenter  Mark A. Hixon  Andrea Hunt  Robert W. Russell
Affiliation:(1) Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, 92717 Irvine, CA, USA;(2) Present address: Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, 97331 Corvallis, OR, USA
Abstract:Summary Male Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna) defend territories that contain a predictable food source, floral nectar. For such a hummingbird, the meal size that maximizes long-term net energy intake is less than the maximal crop volume. Smaller meals must be consumed more frequently, but larger meals increase body mass and therefore flight cost. Individuals without territories or with inadequate territories do not have easy access to nectar and intrude on territories owned by otherC. anna, where they may be chased at nay time. It was predicted that these intruders should minimize the number of potentially risky intrusions necessary for maintenance by ingesting as much nectar as possible whenever they manage to feed without being chased (usually when owners are temporarily absent). Therefore, relative to uninterrupted feeding by owners, uninterrupted intruders should feed longer and take larger meals. Field observations supported these predictions. Intruders apparently filled their crops in all seasons, whereas owners ingested smaller amounts (0.21–0.22 ml) and fed for lengths of time consistent with the prediction of an optimization model (0.21 ml). Thus, owners may energetically optimize meal size whereas intruders fill their crops whenever they are not chased. Under most conditions, hummingbirds only fill their crops one-tenth to one-third full, leading to the question why hummingbirds have such large crops. This study demonstrates that a large crop volume may be of survival value when an individual lacks a territory or has inadequate access to resources and must poach on others' territories.
Keywords:Foraging behaviour  meal size  crop size  optimization  energetics  territoriality  intruders  hummingbirds
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