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Simultaneous oxygen production and nitrogenase activity of an ammonia-excreting mutant of the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis in a co-culture with wheat
Authors:Hart Spiller  Muthukumaran Gunasekaran
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biology, Fisk University, 1000 17th Avenue North, 37 208 Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Abstract:Summary A mutant strain of Anabaena variabilis, strain SA-1 that supported growth of wheat plants in a hydroponic co-culture in nitrogen (N) free medium also produced enough oxygen (O2) to support root respiration. The steady-state concentration of net O2 in the co-culture was dependent on incident light intensity. At an incident photosynthetic photoflux (PPF) of 1000 mgrmol photons·m–2·s–1, net O2 evolution by the co-culture in the root zone reached a maximum value of about 220 mgrmol O2 evolved·h–1·mg chlorophyll (Chl)–1. The O2 concentration in the rhizosphere of the co-culture stayed above the ambient air level. O2 uptake in the dark by strain SA-1-supplemented wheat roots washed free of cyanobacterium was higher than the root respiration of nitrate-grown plants. Nitrate-grown plants required aeration for maximum growth while the wheat-cyanobacterial co-culture can be cultured without aeration. These results show that O2 produced by strain SA-1 can be used to supply the O2 needs for root respiration of wheat. Respiration reduced net O2 evolution by the mutant SA-1, decreasing the partial pressure of O2 at the sites of cyanobacterial attachment to the roots. This led to an increase in the specific activity of nitrogenase of the co-culture at the high light intensities used to support wheat growth. This activity of about 30 mgrmol ethylene produced·mg Chl–1·h–1 was three-fold higher than the activities obtained with the free-living strain SA-1 assayed at the same light intensity. In the co-culture, ammonia produced by the mutant strain SA-1 was not detectable. The NHinf4sup+produced by strain SA-1 was used by the wheat plants and, under these conditions, the total N content of the plants reached as high as 85% of the total N content of nitrate-grown plants. In the co-culture system the metabolism of wheat and the cyanobacterium complemented each other, leading to higher plant growth in N-free medium.Offprint requests to: M. Gunasekaran
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