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Stage-specific effects of Campoletis sonorensis parasitism on Heliothis virescens development and prothoracic glands
Authors:B. A. DOVER  S. B. VINSON
Affiliation:Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University;*Department of Entomology, Kansas State University
Abstract:Abstract The ichneumonid endoparasitoid Campoletis sonorensis Cameron (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) injects a polydnavirus when it oviposits into a host. We compared the development of Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae parasitized in the penultimate (fourth) stadium with those parasitized in the last (fifth) stadium by C.sonorensis and show that hosts stung in the fifth stadium exhibited arrested or delayed development compared to the controls. Parasitoids developed normally to the point of emergence in larvae stung in the fifth stadium but most did not successfully emerge from the host. The prothoracic glands in all successfully parasitized fifth stadium hosts and most unsuccessfully parasitized fifth stadium hosts showed some degree of virally-induced degeneration. Larvae stung in the fourth stadium developed more slowly than controls and either did not moult or developed to a fifth and sometimes a supernumerary sixth stadium before parasitoid emergence. Unsuccessfully parasitized hosts were delayed in their development but eventually moulted to the fifth and, in some cases, a supernumerary sixth stadium before pupating. Hosts stung in the fourth stadium showed no signs of prothoracic gland degeneration whether successfully parasitized or not. In addition, calyx fluid injections into early fourth stadium hosts did not cause prothoracic gland degeneration even after these hosts moulted to the fifth stadium, suggesting that degeneration induced by polydnavirus is specific to the last stadium of the host.
Keywords:Polydnavirus    supernumerary moult    degeneration    calyx fluid    prothoracic gland    Campoletis    Heliothis.
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