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Comparison of Cesium-137 and X-ray Irradiators by Using Bone Marrow Transplant Reconstitution in C57BL/6J Mice
Authors:Brian W Gibson  Nathan C Boles  George P Souroullas  Alan J Herron  Joe K Fraley  Rebecca S Schwiebert  John J Sharp  Margaret A Goodell
Affiliation:1.Center for Comparative Medicine; Departments of;2.Pediatrics and Molecular and Human Genetics;3.Pathology and Immunology, and;4.Pediatrics, USDA/Agricultural Research Service Children''s Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
Abstract:Mice are used extensively in transplantation studies involving bone marrow ablation. Due to the increasing security issues and expenses involved with γ irradiators, self-contained X-ray irradiators have been increasing in popularity. We hypothesized that bone marrow ablation by irradiation of mice with a 137Cs irradiator would be comparable to that from an X-ray source irradiator. A lethal-dose curve was obtained by irradiating C57BL/6J mice with 500, 700, 900, and 1100 cGy from either source. These data were used to determine the lethal radiation exposure range for a noncompetitive bone marrow engraftment curve for each source. At 90 d after reconstitution, the bone marrow engraftment curves revealed significant differences between the 2 sources in the establishment of B cell, myeloid, and T cell lineages. Murine B cell reconstitution after exposure to a 137Cs source was greater than that after X-ray exposure at each dose level, whereas the converse was true for myeloid cell reconstitution. At the 1050- and 1100-cGy doses, mice irradiated by using the X-ray source demonstrated higher levels of T cell reconstitution but decreased survival compared with mice irradiated with the 137Cs source. We concluded that although both sources ablated endogenous bone marrow sufficiently to enable stem cell engraftment, there are distinct physiologic responses that should be considered when choosing the optimal source for use in a study and that irradiation from the 137Cs source was associated with lower overall morbidity due to opportunistic infection.Abbreviations: B3, barrier level; B4, barrier level 4; BMT, bone marrow transplantationStudies of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation have evolved over the past 60 y.1,9 Many preclinical investigations involving cell and gene therapy and hematopoietic stem cell function are performed in mouse models, and techniques such as adoptive cell transfer and bone marrow transplant are commonly used in these studies. Such techniques often require a supralethal dose of irradiation to ensure adequate engraftment with donor cells and subsequent survival. Conventional γ-emitting irradiators (137Cs and 60Co sources) have been used to deliver myeloablative doses of radiation prior to bone marrow transplantation (BMT). After the terrorist attack of 11 September 11 2001, security measures regarding active radioactive source irradiators have been heightened. In 2005, the US Congress passed the Energy Policy Act, in which the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission was assigned to evaluate and prevent malicious misuse of radioactive materials. As a result, increased security controls were imposed on radioactive material sources and quantities of concern, including shielded active source irradiators.14 Mandated security measures now include fingerprinting and a criminal-history record check to allow persons unescorted access to various radioactive materials.15 Background checks and fingerprinting procedures can be time-consuming and present an additional expense that usually is passed on to individual investigators. These enhanced security measures have significantly increased the expense associated with use of these irradiators, and federal regulations as proposed in 10 CFR Part 37 are likely to become more stringent in coming years.16 This situation has correspondingly led to an increased interest in the use of X-ray irradiators as a substitute for γ-ray sources such as 137Cs, and many animal facilities across the country have begun to purchase these units, even though there is no unbiased comparative information regarding the effectiveness of the instruments.In addition to decreased security requirements, X-ray irradiators are substantially less expensive to purchase than are active-source irradiators. After reviewing quotes, we estimate that the initial purchase price of an X-ray irradiator is about one sixth that of a cesium source. These figures do not include the costs of shipping, installation, or disposal of old active-source machines, and thus actual starts up costs are much higher. Annual maintenance as well as annual or semiannual dosimetry assessment costs are relatively comparable between the 2 sources. X-ray irradiators offer an additional financial advantage in that they do not require the strict security measures required for active γ-source irradiators. Given the number of disadvantages for the possession and use of γ-emitting irradiators, the use of X-ray irradiators in research likely will increase in the future.Extensive review of the literature did not reveal any studies in which bone marrow transplantation (BMT) efficiencies, kinetics, or overall responses in mice were compared between 137Cs and X-ray irradiators. We hypothesized that both the 137Cs and X-ray sources would ablate the bone marrow effectively and allow for comparable donor bone marrow reconstitution, and we sought to compare any differences in cell population engraftment after the use of each source. Recipient hematologic recovery after irradiation and reconstitution with bone marrow was assessed by determining the percentages of B and T lymphocytes and myeloid cells in the peripheral blood at 90 d after engraftment. In light of previously published work, we hypothesized that using the X-ray source before BMT would require a reduced dosage of radiation compared with that for the 137Cs source.4,6,9Historically, lethal-dose curves have been generated to calculate the dose which is lethal for 50% of the irradiated animals (mice, in this case) over a 30-d period (that is, the LD50:30); this method allows approximation of the radiation sensitivity of a cohort of experimental mice.11 A mouse in which 100% of the bone marrow has been ablated will be unable to recover hematopoietic function and will die. A priori, if the animal dies, one can assume that the minimal lethal dose has been reached or exceeded; conversely, if the mouse survives, the minimal lethal dose was not achieved. Because of the number of mice needed to calculate an accurate LD50:30, we elected to perform a broad lethal-dose curve (1100 to 500 cGy in 200-cGy increments) to determine the point at which 100% death was reached for both sources. We then used this information as the lower radiation exposure limit for a bone marrow reconstitution curve (refined into 50-cGy increments), thereby allowing us to examine the bone marrow reconstitution response after differing radiation exposures.9 There is ample support in the literature for the broad lethal-dose test range chosen in this study.4,9 Previous work with thymocyte reconstitution after bone marrow ablation has demonstrated that irradiation exposures of approximately 400 cGy are required to establish a population of donor-derived thymocytes in the recipient.5 Therefore, we used a dosage test range above 400cGy in the current study. The dose range for this study was 500 to 1100 cGy, and we expected to see morbidity and mortality primarily due to bone marrow failure between 8 and 20 d in the lethal-dose curve.12
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