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Anticipatory postural adjustments during sitting reach movement in post-stroke subjects
Affiliation:1. School of Allied Health Sciences of Porto (ESTSP), Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal;2. The Scientific-Technical Area of Physical Therapy (ATCFT) of the School of Allied Health Sciences of Porto (ESTSP), Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal;3. CIFI[2]D, Biomechanics Labs, Faculty of Sport, Universityof Porto, Porto, Portugal;4. INESC-TEC and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal;1. Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Allied Health Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA;2. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA;3. Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University, USA;4. Teleflex Medical, Durham, NC, USA;5. Human Movement Science Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA;1. Neuroscience and Behavior graduate program, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil;2. Biomedical Engineering, Federal University of ABC, Santo Andre, Brazil;3. Department of Kinesiology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada;1. Research Group in Sport and Health, Department of Physical Education and Sports, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain;2. University Institute of Science in Physical Activity and Sports, Catholic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain;3. Austral University of Chile, Faculty of Pedagogy in Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, Valdivia, Chile;1. Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Leuven, Tervuursevest 101, 3001 Leuven Heverlee Belgium;2. Rehazentrum Valens - Kliniken Valens, Valens, Switzerland, Taminaplatz 1, 7317 Valens, Switzerland;3. UZ Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UZ Leuven campus Pellenberg, Weligerveld 1, 3212 Pellenberg, Belgium;4. UZ Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven, Department of Geriatrics, UZ Leuven campus Pellenberg, Weligerveld 1, 3212 Pellenberg, Belgium;1. Centro de Estudos do Movimento e Actividade Humana (CEMAH), ESTSP-IPP, V. N. Gaia, Portugal;2. INESC-TEC and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal;3. CIFI2D, Faculty of Sport, and Porto Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal;4. Escola de Educação Física e Esporte, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Abstract:The study assessed the effect of velocity of arm movement on anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) generation in the contralateral and ipsilateral muscles of individuals with stroke in seating. Ten healthy and eight post-stroke subjects were studied in sitting. The task consisted in reaching an object placed at scapular plane and mid-sternum height at self-selected and fast velocities. Electromyography was recorded from anterior deltoid (AD), upper (UT) and lower trapezius (LT) and latissimus dorsi (LD). While kinematic analysis was used to assess peak velocity and trunk displacement. Differences were found between the timing of APAs on ipsi and contralateral LD and LT in both movement speeds and in ipsilateral UT during movement of the non-affected arm at a self-selected velocity. A delay on the contralateral LD to reach movement with the non-affected arm at fast velocity was also observed. The trunk displacement was greater in post-stroke subjects. Individuals with stroke demonstrated a delay of APAs in the muscles on both sides of the body compared to healthy subjects. The delay was observed during performance of the reaching task with the fast and self-selected velocity.
Keywords:Anticipatory postural adjustments  Stroke  Sitting  Movement velocity reach movement  Electromyography
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