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Comparison of phylogeographic structure and population history of two Phrynocephalus species in the Tarim Basin and adjacent areas
Authors:Zhang Qian  Xia Lin  He Jingbo  Wu Yonghua  Fu Jinzhong  Yang Qisen
Affiliation:a Key Laboratory of the Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;b Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1;c Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China
Abstract:An aridification of the Tarim Basin and adjacent areas since middle Pleistocene has produced significant genetic structuring of the local fauna. We examined the phylogeographic patterns, population structure and history of Phrynocephalus axillaris and Phrynocephalus forsythii using a mitochondrial fragment ND4-tRNA(LEU). Phylogenetic hypotheses were constructed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference, and the divergence times of major lineages were estimated by BEAST. Population structure and history were inferred by nested clade analysis, neutrality tests, mismatch distribution, and isolation by distance analysis. The two species might have experienced different evolutionary history throughout their current distribution. For P. forsythii, a vicariant event, as a consequence of geological isolation and desert expansion, might have produced the significant divergence between the Tarim and the Yanqi populations. For P. axillaris, populations of the Yanqi, Turpan and Hami Basins might have been established through dispersal during demographic expansion. Climatic fluctuations caused alternate expansion and shrinkage of rivers and oases several times, which likely led to habitat fragmentation for both species. Interaction between vicariance, dispersal and habitat fragmentation produced the current distribution and genetic diversity. The observed difference between the two species may be due partially to their different reproductive modes (ovoviviparous vs. oviparous).
Keywords:Phrynocephalus lizards   Desert expansion   River system   Habitat fragmentation   Tarim Basin
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