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Abstract:Books reviwed in this article:
Handbook of Phycological Methods – Developmental and Cytological Methods . Ed. by E lisabeth G antt
Endogenous Plant Growth Substances. By T homas A. H ill
Plants and Islands. Ed. by D. B ramwell
Forest Ecology. By S tephen H. S purr and B urton V. B arnes
Biochemistry and Physiology of Plant Hormones. By T. C. M oore
Bryophyte Systematics. Ed. by G. C. S. C larke and J. G. D uckett
Spät- und postglaziale Waldgeschichte der Alpen auf grund der bisherigan Pollen-analysen . By F. K ral
Nature and Origins of Carbohydrates in Soils. By M. V. C heshire
Morphology and Infrageneric Relationships of the Getius Jatropha (Euphorbiaceae). University of California Publications in Botany, Volume 74. By B ijan D ehgan and G randy L. W ebster
Amenity Grassland: An Ecological Perspective. Ed. by I. H. R orison and R oderick H unt
The Plant Seed. Development, Preservation and Germination. Ed. by I. R ubenstein , R. L. P hillips , C. E. G reen and B. G. G engenbach
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