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The Effect of Cooling on Photosynthesis, Amounts of Carbohydrate and Assimilate Export in Sunflower
Abstract:Sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L.) grown at 30°C werecooled to 13°C in the light in atmospheric CO2 or low CO2,or in darkness. Photosynthetic rate at 30°C after coolingwhole plants in atmospheric CO2 for 12 h during a photoperiodwas significantly lower than at the start of the photoperiodcompared to plants cooled at low CO2, those cooled in the darkand those maintained at 30°C. Amounts of sucrose, hexosesand starch in leaves at 13°C increased throughout a 14 hphotoperiod to levels higher than in leaves at 30°C, whereamounts of sucrose and hexoses were stable or falling after4 h. Carbohydrate accumulation at 13°C during this photoperiodwas more than twice that at 30°C. After three photoperiodsand two dark periods at 13°C carbohydrate levels in leaveswere still as high as at the end of the first photoperiod, butless carbohydrate accumulated during the photoperiods than duringthe first photoperiod, and more was partitioned as starch. Amountsof soluble carbohydrate in roots were greater after 14 h at13°C than in roots of plants at 30°C. Loss of 14C fromleaves at 30°C as a proportion of 14CO2 fixed by them at30°C, decreased after exposure of plants to 13°C inthe light for 30 min prior to 14CO2feeding. Results indicatean effect of cold on the transport process that was light-dependent.It is inferred that the reduction in the proportion of 14C lostfrom leaves after 10 h cooling was due to reduced sink demand,whereas the rise in the proportion of 14C lost from leaves after24 h reflects reduced photosynthetic rate. The coincidence ofreduced photosynthetic rate with raised carbohydrate levelsin leaves maintained at 30°C throughout, whilst the restof the plant was cooled to 13°C in the light implies feedbackinhibition of photosynthesis. This may reduce the imbalancebetween source and sink in sunflower during the first days oflong-term cooling. Key words: Temperature, carbon export, carbohydrates, photosynthesis, sunflower
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