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The photochemical and fluorescence properties of whole cells,spheroplasts and spheroplast particles from the blue-green alga Phormidium luridum
Authors:Elisha Tel-Or  Shmuel Malkin
Affiliation:Biochemistry Department, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel
Abstract:The photochemical activities and fluorescence properties of cells, spheroplasts and spheroplast particles from the blue-green alga Phormidium luridum were compared. The photochemical activities were measured in a whole range of wavelengths and expressed as quantum yield spectra (quantum yield vs. wavelength). The following reactions were measured: Photosynthesis (O2 evolution) in whole cells; Hill reaction (O2 evolution) with Fe(CN)63? and NADP as electron acceptors (Photosystem II and Photosystem II+Photosystem I reactions); electron transfer from reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol to diquat (Photosystem I reaction). The fluorescence properties were emission spectra, quantum yield spectra and the induction pattern.On the basis of comparison between the quantum yield spectra and the pigments compositions the relative contribution of each pigment to each photosystem was estimated. In normal cells and spheroplasts it was found that Photosystem I (Photosystem II) contains about 90 % (10 %) of the chlorophyll a, 90 % (10 %) of the carotenoids and 15 % (85 %) of the phycocyanin. In spheroplast particles there is a reorganization of the pigments: they loose a certain fraction (about half) of the phycocyanin but the remaining phycocyanin attaches itself exclusively to Photosystem I (!). This is reflected by the loss of Photosystem II activity, a flat quantum yield vs. wavelength dependence and a loss of the fluorescence induction.The fluorescence quantum yield spectra conform qualitatively to the above conclusion. More quantitative estimation shows that only a fraction (20–40 %) of the chlorophyll of Photosystem II is fluorescent. Total emission spectrum and the ratio of variable to constant fluorescence are in agreement with this conclusion.The fluorescence emission spectrum shows characteristic differences between the constant and variable components. The variable fluorescence comes exclusively from chlorophyll a; the constant fluorescence is contributed, in addition to chlorophyll a, by phycocyanine and an unidentified long wavelength component.The variable fluorescence does not change in the transition from whole cells to spheroplasts. However, the constant fluorescence increases considerably. This indicates the release of a small fraction of pigments from the photosynthetic photochemical apparatus which then become fluorescent.
Keywords:DCMU  3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  DPIP  2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol  DQ  diquat-1,1-ethylene-2′-dipyridylium-dibromide
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