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Cellular basis of graft-versus-host reactions
Authors:J Clancy
Abstract:The biologic basis of Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD) is presented as an extremely complex immunopathologic syndrome that involves interaction between many different donor and host cell types. A model of acute lethal GVHD was employed where adult unirradiated (DA X LEW)F1 rats were injected with LEW spleen and lymph node cells. Controls received the same dose of syngeneic cells. At intervals from 2 to 21 days after cell injection, GVHD and control animals were killed and nonadherent cell suspensions prepared from their lymph nodes, spleen and peripheral blood. Cell suspensions were treated with LEW-anti-DA-alloantiserum or normal LEW serum and then analyzed for sIgM+ (B cells), W 3/13+ (T cells), and IgG-Fc receptors (FcR). Evidence is discussed for the selective removal of host cells with the alloantiserum. In addition, the level of naturally cytolytic (NK/NC) cells was assessed by adding GVHD and control nonadherent lymphoid cells to heterologous lymphoma and sarcoma target cells. Evidence is presented that during acute GVHD, in this parental----F1 combination, there is an early increase within most compartments of donor as well as host W 3/13+ and W 3/13+FcR+ cells. NK/NC cells are increased as well at day 7. During middle stages of acute GVHD, host sIgM+ cells predominate. Late-stage acute GVHD rats contain few donor and host W 3/13+, W 3/13+FcR+, and NK/NC cells but many null cells most of which are FcR-. The importance of unraveling the nature of donor- and host-cell interactions occurring during acute GVHD, which result in rats whose lymphoid tissues are severely depleted of all nonadherent lymphoid cells but FcR- null cells, is discussed.
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