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Patterns of daily flight activity in onitine dung beetles (Scarabaeinae: Onitini)
Authors:Stanley Caveney  Clarke H. Scholtz  Peter McIntyre
Affiliation:(1) Department of Zoology, University of Western Ontario, N6A 5B7 London, Ontario, Canada;(2) Department of Entomology, University of Pretoria, 0002 Pretoria, South Africa;(3) Department of Mathematics, University College, The University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, 2600 Canberra, ACT, Australia
Abstract:Different species of African dung beetles emerge from the soil at characteristic times of the day to fly and colonize the freshly-deposited dung of mammalian herbivores. Onitine dung beetles in their natural habitat displayed one of five distinctive daily flight behaviours: dusk crepuscular (Onitis alexis Klug, O. caffer Boheman, O. fulgidus Klug, O. tortuosus Houston, O. vanderkelleni Lansberge, O. westermanni Lansberge); dusk/dawn crepuscular (O. pecuarius Lansberge and O. viridulus Boheman); dusk/dawn crepuscular and nocturnal (O. aygulus (Fabricius), O. mendax Gillet, O. uncinatus Klug); late afternoon-dusk and dawn-early morning [Heteronitis castelnaui (Harold)]; or diurnal flight activity [O. belial (Fabricius), O. ion (Olivier)]. These diagnostic daily flight behaviours span a light intensity range of over 6 orders of magnitude and have been retained in selected species introduced into Australia. Ambient light intensity appears to be the primary determinant of the daily flight period in onitine dung beetles. Because the dung of mobile herbivores is rapidly exploited by onitine species for feeding and breeding purposes, different flight behaviours result in a spatial and temporal partitioning of species in the local dung beetle community. The timing of flight may contribute to, or lead to avoidance of, competition between species which may ultimately affect colonization success. Many onitines show a strong preference for dung of specific herbivores, which may further reduce interspecific competition. All crepuscular-nocturnal species examined raised their thoracic temperatures endothermically to between 35°C and 40°C before the onset of flight. In O. aygulus the thoracic temperature excess was as large as 19.3°C. The thermal threshold below which the frequency of flight onsets drops off rapidly is about 12°C for O. aygulus and 17°C for O. alexis and O. pecuarius. Radiant loss of body heat during cool nights and dawns may explain why smaller species (<0.4 g body weight), in particular, are adapted behaviourally so that they fly only during the day or early dusk.
Keywords:Flight behaviour  Diel activity  Dung beetles  Endothermy
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