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Separate beta subunits are derivatized with 14C and 3H when the bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase is doubly labeled with 7-chloro-4-nitro[14C]benzofurazan and 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl[3H]inosine.
Authors:D A Bullough  S Q Zhuo  W S Allison
Affiliation:Department of Chemistry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla 92093.
Abstract:Tyrosine residues 311 and 345 of the beta subunit of the bovine heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase (MF1) are present on the same peptide when the enzyme is fragmented with cyanogen bromide. Maximal inactivation of MF1 with 7-chloro-4-nitro[14C]benzofurazan [( 14C]Nbf-Cl) derivatizes tyrosine-311 in a single beta subunit. Cyanogen bromide digests of MF1 containing the [14C]Nbf-O-derivative of tyrosine-beta 311 were submitted to reversed-phase HPLC, with and without prior reduction of the nitro group on the incorporated reagent with dithionite. The retention time of the radioactive cyanogen bromide peptide was shifted substantially by reduction. When a cyanogen bromide digest of MF1 inactivated with 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl[3H]inosine [( 3H]FSBI), which proceeds with derivatization of tyrosine-345 in a single beta subunit, was submitted to HPLC under the same conditions, the fragment labeled with 3H eluted with the same retention time as the [14C]Nbf-O-derivative before reduction. Doubly labeled enzyme was prepared by first derivatizing Tyr-beta 311 with [14C]Nbf-Cl and then derivatizing tyrosine-beta 345 with [3H]FSBI with and without reducing the [14C]Nbf-O-derivative of tyrosine-beta 311 with dithionite before modification with [3H]FSBI. The doubly labeled enzyme preparations were digested with cyanogen bromide and submitted to HPLC. The 14C and 3H in the cyanogen bromide digest prepared from doubly labeled enzyme not submitted to reduction eluted together. In contrast, the 14C and 3H in the digest prepared from doubly labeled enzyme which had been reduced eluted separately. From these results it is concluded that different beta subunits are derivatized when MF1 is doubly labeled with [14C]Nbf-Cl and [3H]FSBI.
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