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Evolution of the Vertebrate Central Nervous System: Patterns and Processes
Affiliation:Division of Biological Sciences, The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Abstract:AS brains do not fossilize, most proposed phylogenetic sequencesfor central nervous system characters must be based on the patternsof variation of those characters in living organisms. Similarly,hypotheses regarding how brains change through time, and theevolutionary processes that produce these changes, are ultimatelybased on the character patterns recognized. It is critical inthese analyses to distinguish between homologous and homoplasouscharacters if errors in the reconstruction and interpretationof phylogenies are to be minimized. Definitions of homologyand homoplasy are reviewed, as are the concepts that bear ontheir application. Cladistic definitions are adopted, and criteriafor distinguishing homologous from homoplasous characters arediscussed. Analysis of a number of CNS characters that are usuallyassumed to be homologous reveals that homoplasous charactersappear among them. As in other organ systems, homoplasous charactersare actually common. A number of previous hypotheses regardingCNS evolution are reviewed in the context of new data on neuralconnections and their cladistic analysis. Some of these hypothesesmay be falsified by a cladistic treatment of CNS characters,whereas sufficient data do not exist to evaluate others.
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