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Simulated annual plankton production in the northeastern Pacific Coastal Upwelling Domain
Authors:Robinson, Clifford L.K.   Ware, Daniel M.   Parsons, Timothy R.
Affiliation:Department of Oceanography, University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada 1Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5K6, Canada
Abstract:A microcomputer simulation model is presented that describesthe generalized plankton production dynamics, in the surfacemixed layer, of the Juan de Fuca Eddy located on the southwesternBritish Columbia continental shelf. The Juan de Fuca Eddy simulationmodel evaluates how the annual biomass production of diatoms,copepods and euphausiids is forced by plankton feeding interactions,seasonal variability in upwelling, water temperature and solarradiation, and generalized fish predation. The model estimatesannual primary production of 345 g C m–2 year–1and secondary production of 19.4 g C m–2 year–1for copepods and 6 g C m–2 year–1 for euphausiids,during 1985–89; -90% of the annual plankton productionwas generated during the April-October upwelling season. Perturbationsof 22 abiotic and biotic parameters, one at a time by ±10%of nominal values, indicated that oceanic variability (e.g.upwelling rate) most strongly affected primary production. Conversely,zooplankton production was most sensitive to variability inbiological parameters describing zooplankton grazing potentialand growth (e.g. gross growth efficiency). Simulated seasonalbiomass patterns of diatoms, copepods and euphausiids were foundto closely match empirical data. However, euphausiid biomassproduction in the Juan de Fuca Eddy alone was unable to meetthe demands of estimated pelagic fish consumption. Local Eddyeuphausiid populations had to be supplemented, from regionaleuphausiids. by a mechanism that is proposed to be linked tothe seasonal pattern and intensity of positive Ekman transport(upwelling).
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