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Molecular basis for the substrate specificity of plant guanine nucleotide exchange factors for ROP
Authors:Inka Fricke
Affiliation:Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Structural Biology Department, Otto Hahn Strasse 11, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
Abstract:Plant G proteins of the ROP/RAC family regulate cellular processes including cytoskeletal rearrangement in polar growth. Activation of the ROP molecular switch is triggered by guanine nucleotide exchange factors. Plant-specific RopGEFs are exclusively active on ROPs despite their high homology to animal Rho proteins. Based on a sequence comparison of ROPs vs. animal Rho proteins together with structural data on distinct ROPs, we identified unique substrate determinants of RopGEF specificity by mutational analysis: asparagine 68 next to switch II, arginine 76 of a putative phosphorylation motif and the Rho insert are essential for substrate recognition by RopGEFs. These data also provide first evidence for a function of the Rho insert in interactions with GEFs.
Keywords:At, Arabidopsis thaliana   Cdc42, cell division cycle 42   cDNA, complementary DNA   Dbl, diffuse B-cell lymphoma   DH, Dbl homology   G protein, guanine nucleotide binding protein   GDI, guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor   GEF, guanine nucleotide exchange factor   GNP, GppNHp   GST, glutathione-S-transferase   HVR, hypervariable region   IgG, immunoglobulin G   P-loop, phosphate binding loop   PCR, polymerase chain reaction   PH, Pleckstrin homology   PRONE, plant-specific ROP nucleotide exchanger   Rac/RAC, Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate   Ras, rat sarcoma   Rho, Ras homologue   ROP, Rho of plants   Tiam1, T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1   3D structure, three-dimensional structure
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