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A Bryophyte flora of Cornwall. II. Sphagna

The taxonomy of Anomobryum julaceum and allied species with axillary bulbils in Europe and Asia is reviewed. A. concinnatum is regarded as a distinct species, occurring in W. and C. Europe, SW., N. and C. Asia and N. America. A. bavaricum has often been confused with A. concinnatum, but differs in its more numerous, small, reddish bulbils and in leaf shape; it is known only from the European Alps. The Asian A. nitidum also has numerous small reddish bulbils but it differs from A. bavaricum in leaf shape and bulbil form. A lectotype is designated for A. nitidum, of which A. gemmigerum and other nominal taxa are regarded as synonyms. Information is presented on geographical ranges and habitats of the four valid species.
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