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Host activity and the risk of nest parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds
Authors:Banks, Alison J.   Martin, Thomas E.
Affiliation:Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA
Abstract:Proportions of nests parasitized by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrusater) vary greatly among host species, but factors underlyingthis variation remain poorly understood. Cowbirds are believedto find nests by watching host behavior. We tested the hypothesisthat the activity of hosts during nest building correlateswith the probability of parasitism among and within four sympatrichosts: dusky flycatchers (Empidonax oberholseri), warblingvireos (Vireo gilvus), yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia),and American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla). Daily probabilityof parasitism varied substantially among these species, from3% for dusky flycatchers to more than four times that for warblingvireos. The four species did not differ in the proportion ofcowbirds fledged from their nests. Differences in nest placementdid not explain differences in probability of parasitism amongor within species. Parasitism frequencies increased among speciesthat made longer nest-building visits, had a greater propensityto perch during nest approach, spent more time near their nests,and had males that vocalized more often near nests. Within species,females that visited their nests less often, spent more timeon the nest per visit, and males that sang more and were activein a smaller area around their nests were more likely to beparasitized by cowbirds. These data support the hypothesisthat cowbirds use the activity of hosts during nest buildingto locate nests.
Keywords:American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla)   brood parasitism   brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater)   dusky flycatcher (Empidonax oberholseri)   host behaviors   host quality   nest building   nest concealment   nest visitation   perching frequency   vocalization rates   warbling vireo (Vireo gilvus)   yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia).
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