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Stochastic Modelling for Systems Biology. * Darren J. Wilkinson
Authors:Schwartz   Russell
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences,
Carnegie Mellon University,
4400 Fifth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Abstract:‘Stochastic Modelling for Systems Biology’ was designedto fill an important gap in the educational materials availablefor students learning about modelling methods for biologicalsystems. Specifically, while stochastic models are emergingas perhaps the preferred method for modelling cellular and subcellularbiochemistry in research practice, they remain unfamiliar tomost of those who are not specialists in the field. The underlyingmathematical and computational methods are well described inthe literature of other fields, but the translation to biologicalpractice is largely documented only in the current scientificliterature. There are few teaching materials available for thesemodels, particularly
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