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Control of heat-shock response of young gametophytes of the sensitive fern is at the translational level
Authors:Roy, Shila   Raghavan, V.
Abstract:Young gametophytes of the sensitive fern, Onoclea sensibilis,respond to heat-shock by synthesizing in excess certain proteinsthat are made at normal growth temperature. Enhanced proteinsynthesis occurred during a 2 h heat-shock at a range of temperaturesbetween 38 °C and 50 °C. Although a temperature of 50°C proved lethal, a 5 min pulse at 50 °C resulted inenhanced synthesis of heat-shock proteins which continued forseveral hours at 25 °C. After heat-shock at 50 °C for10 or 15 min, the gametophytes temporarily lost their capacityfor protein synthesis but normal protein synthesis was resumedwithin 24 h of heat-shock. A heat-shock at 38 °C precedingone at 50 °C did not have any protecting effect on the gametophytes.In vitro translation of poly(A)+ RNA isolated from heat-shockedgametophytes yielded several proteins including heat-shock proteins.The results suggest that, rather than activating genes encodingnew messages for the synthesis of stress proteins, heat-shockof gametophytes of O. sensibilis triggers a controlling systemwhich enhances the translation of certain messages that aresynthesized at normal growth temperature. Key words: Onoclea sensibilis, heat-shock response, protein synthesis, sensitive fern, in vitro translation
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