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Sex-linked transcriptional divergence in the hermaphrodite fungus Neurospora tetrasperma
Authors:Nicklas Samils  Anastasia Gioti  Magnus Karlsson  Yu Sun  Takao Kasuga  Eric Bastiaans  Zheng Wang  Ning Li  Jeffrey P. Townsend  Hanna Johannesson
Abstract:In the filamentous ascomycete Neurospora tetrasperma, a large (approx. 7 Mbp) region of suppressed recombination surrounds the mating-type (mat) locus. While the remainder of the genome is largely homoallelic, this region of recombinational suppression, extending over 1500 genes, is associated with sequence divergence. Here, we used microarrays to examine how the molecular phenotype of gene expression level is linked to this divergent region, and thus to the mating type. Culturing N. tetrasperma on agar media that induce sexual/female or vegetative/male tissue, we found 196 genes significantly differentially expressed between mat A and mat a mating types. Our data show that the genes exhibiting mat-linked expression are enriched in the region genetically linked to mating type, and sequence and expression divergence are positively correlated. Our results indicate that the phenotype of mat A strains is optimized for traits promoting sexual/female development and the phenotype of mat a strains for vegetative/male development. This discovery of differentially expressed genes associated with mating type provides a link between genotypic and phenotypic divergence in this taxon and illustrates a fungal analogue to sexual dimorphism found among animals and plants.
Keywords:sexual dimorphism   Neurospora tetrasperma   gene expression
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