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Proton-translocating ATPase and lysosomal cystine transport
Authors:A J Jonas  M L Smith  W S Allison  P K Laikind  A A Greene  J A Schneider
Abstract:A proton-translocating ATPase was identified in highly purified lysosomes from Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human lymphoblasts. Activity of this ATPase caused acidification of highly purified, fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran-loaded lysosomes and correlated with the ATP-dependent efflux of lysosomal cystine. The lysosomal ATPase was distinct from mitochondrial F1-ATPase in its responses to a variety of inhibitors. Although ATP-dependent lysosomal cystine efflux is not demonstrable in cultured lymphoblasts from individuals with nephropathic cystinosis, ATPase activity and acidification in lysosomes from these cells is comparable to that in noncystinotic lysosomes. ATPase activity in lymphoblasts from normal individuals was 543 +/- 79 nmol/mg/min while in lymphoblasts from cystinotic individuals this activity was 541 +/- 25 nmol/mg/min. ATP-dependent acidification of lysosomes from normals was -0.5 +/- 0.1 pH units compared to -0.5 +/- 0.1 pH units in cystinotic lysosomes. Activity of the lysosomal proton-translocating ATPase is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for lysosomal cystine efflux.
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