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Geochemical Controls on Microbial Nitrate-Dependent U(IV) Oxidation
Authors:John M. Senko  Joseph M. Suflita  Lee R. Krumholz
Affiliation:Department of Botany and Microbiology , and Institute for Energy and the Environment, University of Oklahoma , Norman, Oklahoma, USA

After reductive immobilization of uranium, the element may be oxidized and remobilized in the presence of nitrate by the activity of dissimilatory nitrate-reducing bacteria. We examined controls on microbially mediated nitrate-dependent U(IV) oxidation in landfill leachate-impacted subsurface sediments. Nitrate-dependent U(IV)-oxidizing bacteria were at least two orders of magnitude less numerous in these sediments than glucose- or Fe(II)-oxidizing nitrate-reducing bacteria and grew more slowly than the latter organisms, suggesting that U(IV) is ultimately oxidized by Fe(III) produced by nitrate-dependent Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria or by oxidation of Fe(II) by nitrite that accumulates during organotrophic dissimilatory nitrate reduction. We examined the effect of nitrate and reductant concentration on nitrate-dependent U(IV) oxidation in sediment incubations and used the initial reductive capacity (RDC = [reducing equivalents] - [oxidizing equivalents]) of the incubations as a unified measurement of the nitrate or reductant concentration. When we lowered the RDC with progressively higher nitrate concentrations, we observed a corresponding increase in the extent of U(IV) oxidation, but did not observe this relationship between RDC and U(IV) oxidation rate, especially when RDC > 0, suggesting that nitrate concentration strongly controls the extent, but not the rate of nitrate-dependent U(IV) oxidation. On the other hand, when we raised the RDC in sediment incubations with progressively higher reductant (acetate, sulfide, soluble Fe(II), or FeS) concentrations, we observed progressively lower extents and rates of nitrate-dependent U(IV) oxidation. Acetate was a relatively poor inhibitor of nitrate-dependent U(IV) oxidation, while Fe(II) was the most effective inhibitor. Based on these results, we propose that it may be possible to predict the stability of U(IV) in a bioremediated aquifer based on the geochemical characteristics of that aquifer.
Keywords:uranium oxidation  nitrate reduction  iron cycling  reductants
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