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Study of the backcross progeny of barley-wheat hybrids by the RAPD and RAMPO methods
Authors:Bil'danova L L  Salina E A  Pershina L A
Affiliation:Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Lavrent'eva 10, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia. larisab@bionet.nsc.ru
Abstract:The genomes of alloplasmic wheat lines were analyzed by PCR-based methods: random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and random amplified microsatellite polymorphism (RAMPO). Lines L-16(1) and L-17(2) were obtained by three backcrosses and line L-79(10), by four backcrosses of the barely-wheat hybrid Hordeum vulgare (2n = 14) (variety Nepolegayuschii) x Triticum aestivum (2n = 42) (variety Saratovskaya 29) with different common wheat varieties. These lines proved to be euploid (2n = 42). The aneuploid line L-9 (2n = 43 + t) was obtained after a second backcross of the hybrid H. geniculatum All. (2n = 28) x T. aestivum (2n = 42) (Pyrotrix 28) with the variety Pyrotrix 28. The RAPD patterns of L-16(1) and L-17(1) contained fragments present only in the patterns of the parental wheat varieties and, in addition, fragments absent from the latter. This fragment from the pattern of L-16(1) was cloned. Analysis of its primary structure showed that the difference between L-16(1) and the parental wheat genotypes may be related to a mutation that had occurred during the development of the alloplasmic line at the binding site of an arbitrary primer. The genomes of plants of the lines L-79(10) and L-9 contain, in addition to the RAPD fragments of wheat, those characteristic of barley. RAMPO revealed higher polymorphism level among wheat varieties than that detected by RAPD. The hybridization patterns of the lines L-16(1), L-17(1), and L-79(10) contained fragments specific for wheat, and the patterns of L-9 contained both wheat and barley fragments.
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