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Nutrient Supply and the Growth of the Seminal Root System in Barley: I. THE EFFECT OF NITRATE CONCENTRATION ON THE GROWTH OF AXES AND LATERALS
Authors:DREW, M. C.   SAKER, L. R.   ASHLEY, T. W.
Abstract:A method was devised by which different zones along a singleseminal axis of an intact plant could be exposed for extendedperiods to contrasting concentrations of nitrate (either 0.01or 1.0 mM) in continuous flow, the supply of all other nutrientsbeing favourable throughout. The concentration of nitrate wasfound to exert a direct and strictly localized effect upon thegrowth of lateral roots which, depending upon the supply ofassimilates from the shoot, resulted in marked modificationsto the form of the root system. Zones receiving 1.0 mM nitrateshowed an increase in the number and extension rate of bothfirst- and second-order laterals, associated with a preferentialaccumulation of dry matter, compared with zones in 0.01 mM nitrate.The average number of laterals (both first and second order)per cm of parent root was 4.4 in the presence of 1.0 mM nitrateand 2.2 in 0.01 mM. The average extension rates of first-orderlaterals were 0.61 and 0.26 cm d–1 and second-order laterals,0.10 and 0.05 cm d–1 for nitrate concentrations of 1.0and 0.01 mM respectively. The precise numbers and extensionrates of laterals in any one zone were affected, however, bythe rate of growth of laterals in other parts of the root system.In contrast, the extension rates of axes were little affectedby the concentration of nitrate to which their apical meristemswere exposed and approached 2.0 cm d–1 provided the plantswere not nitrogen-starved. The significance of these resultsto the physiology of root growth and soil-plant relations isdiscussed.
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