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Classifying aquatic macrophytes as indicators of eutrophication in European lakes
Authors:W. Ellis Penning  Marit Mjelde  Bernard Dudley  Seppo Hellsten  Jenica Hanganu  Agnieszka Kolada  Marcel van den Berg  Sandra Poikane  Geoff Phillips  Nigel Willby  Frauke Ecke
Affiliation:1. Deltares, P.O. Box?177, 2600 MH, Delft, The Netherlands
2. NIOO-Centre for Limnology, Publication 4296 NIOO-KNAW, P.O. Box?1299, 3600 BG, Maarssen, The Netherlands
3. NIVA, Gaustadalléen 21, 0349, Oslo, Norway
4. CEH, Edinburgh, Bush Estate, EH26 0QB, Penicuik, UK
5. SYKE, University of Oulu, P.O.Box?413, 90014, Oulu, Finland
6. DDNI, Tulcea, Romania
7. Institute for Environmental Protection, Warswawa, Poland
8. Rijkswaterstaat RIZA, P.O. Box?17, 8200 AA, Lelystad, The Netherlands
9. Joint Research Centre, 21020, Ispra, Italy
10. Environment Agency for England and Wales, RG1 8DQ, Reading, UK
11. University of Stirling, FK9 4LA, Stirling, UK
12. Lule? University of Technology, 971 87, Lule?, Sweden
Abstract:Aquatic macrophytes are one of the biological quality elements in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) for which status assessments must be defined. We tested two methods to classify macrophyte species and their response to eutrophication pressure: one based on percentiles of occurrence along a phosphorous gradient and another based on trophic ranking of species using Canonical Correspondence Analyses in the ranking procedure. The methods were tested at Europe-wide, regional and national scale as well as by alkalinity category, using 1,147 lakes from 12 European states. The grouping of species as sensitive, tolerant or indifferent to eutrophication was evaluated for some taxa, such as the sensitive Chara spp. and the large isoetids, by analysing the (non-linear) response curve along a phosphorous gradient. These thresholds revealed in these response curves can be used to set boundaries among different ecological status classes. In total 48 taxa out of 114 taxa were classified identically regardless of dataset or classification method. These taxa can be considered the most consistent and reliable indicators of sensitivity or tolerance to eutrophication at European scale. Although the general response of well known indicator species seems to hold, there are many species that were evaluated differently according to the database selection and classification methods. This hampers a Europe-wide comparison of classified species lists as used for the status assessment within the WFD implementation process.
Keywords:Aquatic vegetation  Indicators  Species classification  REBECCA  EU Water Framework Directive
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