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Denitrification kinetics of simulated fish processing wastewater at different ratios of nitrate to biomass
Authors:O. Soto  O. Sánchez  E. Aspé  M. Roeckel
Affiliation:(1) Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 160 C, Correo 3, Concepción, Chile
Abstract:Denitrification was studied in anoxic batch cultures of a simulated fish processing wastewater at 37 r C and pH 7.5, using a denitrifying enrichment culture from fishery wastewater. Different initial nitrate to biomass ratios (So/Xo) were used: nitrate and biomass varied from 7.5 to 94.7 mg NO3-N l–1, and from 20 to 4300 mg volatile suspended solids l–1, respectively. The specific maximum denitrification rate (rm) and the cell yield (YX / S) depended on the So/Xo ratio under anoxic conditions: rm increased from 1.2 to 1584 mg NO3-N g–1 VSS h–1 and YX / S decreased from 42 to 0.03 mg VSS mg–1 NO3-N when So/Xo varied from 5.5 sdot 10– 3 to 9.3 mg NO3-N/mg VSS.NomenclatureCNO3 – N nitrate concentration, mg NO3-N l–1KS saturation constant, mg NO3-N l–1rm specific maximum denitrification rate, mg NO3-N g–1 VSS h–1So initial substrate concentration, mg l–1 t time, h TOC total organic carbon VSS volatile suspended solids x biomass concentration, g VSS l–1Xo initial biomass concentration, g VSS l–1YX/S substrate to biomass cell yield, mg VSS/mg N Greek symbols: mgrm maximum specific growth rate of the anoxic microbial population, 1 h–1
Keywords:catabolism/anabolism uncoupling  denitrification  fishing effluents  saline effluents
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