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Fine‐scale genetic structure overrides macro‐scale structure in a marine snail: nonrandom recruitment,demographic events or selection?
Affiliation:Departamento de Genética e Evolução, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) C.P. 6109, CEP13083-970, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Abstract:The planktotrophic littorinid species Littoraria flava occupies a continuous habitat on rocky shores close to brackish and freshwater sources. Previous studies of this species have shown a moderate genetic structure over a broad geographical scale, with high deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations in many allozymic loci. Local-scale subdivision in marine species with a long dispersal phase is unexpected, but occasionally found. Using a horizontal transect at three locations, we examined whether microscale and short-term subdivision also occurred in L. flava populations and, if so, whether this could explain the Hardy–Weinberg deviations. Littoraria flava showed even more structuring on a microgeographical scale (4–300 m) than on a large-scale (> 200 km). The Ewens–Watterson neutrality test showed that 18% of the tests deviated significantly from the neutrality model. A homogeneity test for each locus across samples within transects showed homogeneous and high F IS values in many loci. These results and the apparent genetic patchiness within transects suggest that asynchronous spawning associated with recurrent colonizations in L. flava can explain the local differentiation without a recognizable pattern. In addition, there could be a balance between these factors and diversifying selection acting on different loci at different times and localities. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 23–36.
Keywords:colonization    environmental effect    Hardy–Weinberg deviation    hierarchical analysis    Littoraria flava    local subdivision
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