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Geographic and stratigraphic change in the morphology of Triarthrus beckii (Green) (Trilobita): a test of the Plus ça change model of evolution
Abstract:The Plus ça change model predicts that deepwater trilobite species such as Triarthrus should exhibit gradual phyletic evolution. A detailed stratigraphic sequence of Triarthrus beckii specimens considered together with geographically separated samples from a single time interval provide a test of the Plus ça change model. We examined geographic patterns of variation in cranidial shape based on specimens from four approximately synchronous levels within the Upper Ordovician (lower Edenian) strata of New York, Québec, Kentucky and Pennsylvania. All geographic populations differ in mean size, except for New York and Pennsylvania. Because allometry is present in both meraspid and holaspid phases of the trilobite, size effects on shape were removed by ontogenetic standardization. Cranidial shapes were then compared among the four study sites and eight stratophenetic samples from New York, obtained by subdividing our Mohawkian Composite Standard Section into 20-m-thick intervals. Goodall's F-test of pairwise comparisons of cranidial shape between eight subintervals in New York and the other three populations are all significant. Geographic variation in cranidial size and shape in T . beckii appears to display a gradient or cline-like pattern that is related to paleogeography. Although cranidial shape is not entirely static within the New York stratophenetic series, it is in all cases different from that sampled elsewhere in the region. Thus, there is no evidence of wholesale immigration and emigration among the geographic areas. Instead, the geographic gradient of T . beckii shape variation may have remained fairly stable over ca. 3 million years during the mid-Chatfieldian to early Edenian interval. This result is indicative of stasis. Consequently, the evolutionary history of T . beckii contradicts the Plus ça change model.
Keywords:Geographic variation    ontogenetic standardization    Plus ça change model    Procrustes distances    Triarthrus beckii
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