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Binding Proteins to Phytochrome A in Etiolated Pea Seedlings
Authors:Shimada, Takashi   Miyao-Tokutomi, Mitsue   Tokutomi, Satoru
Affiliation:1 Research Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Osaka Prefecture Sakai, Osaka, 599-8231 Japan
2 Laboratory of Photosynthesis, National Institute for Agrobiological Resources (NIAR) Kannonndai, Tsukuba, 305-8602 Japan
Abstract:In order to detect and characterize a putative receptor(s) fora signal from PhyA, proteins that bind to purified pea PhyAwere searched for in the crude extract of etiolated pea seedlingswith affinity chromatography. PhyA was coupled to the columnsubstrate either in PR form (PR column) or in red-irradiatedform (PFR column). The coupled PhyA of both columns retainsits spectral reversibility between PR and PFR, although theirpeptide mapping by trypsin digestion suggests that the C-terminalhalf of PhyA in the PFR column is partially fixed in PFR structure.15 polypeptides were detected reproducibly in the elution fromthe PFR column by silver-staining of SDS-PAGE. These 15 polypeptidesmay form two complexes judging from their elution profiles.Of the 15 polypeptides, the 6 major polypeptides have approximatemol wt of 80, 55, 53, 46, 40 and 35 kDa. On the other hand,only a trace amount of protein, which mainly consists of the46 kDa species, was eluted from PR column, indicating the presenceof PFR-specific BPs in the crude extract of etiolated pea seedlings.Of the 6 major polypeptides, the 40 kDa species binds to thePhyA in a photoreversible manner. (Received June 19, 1998; Accepted December 19, 1998)
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