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Statistical analysis of unlabeled point sets: comparing molecules in chemoinformatics
Authors:Dryden Ian L  Hirst Jonathan D  Melville James L
Affiliation:School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. ian.dryden@nottingham.ac.uk
Abstract:We consider Bayesian methodology for comparing two or more unlabeled point sets. Application of the technique to a set of steroid molecules illustrates its potential utility involving the comparison of molecules in chemoinformatics and bioinformatics. We initially match a pair of molecules, where one molecule is regarded as random and the other fixed. A type of mixture model is proposed for the point set coordinates, and the parameters of the distribution are a labeling matrix (indicating which pairs of points match) and a concentration parameter. An important property of the likelihood is that it is invariant under rotations and translations of the data. Bayesian inference for the parameters is carried out using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, and it is demonstrated that the procedure works well on the steroid data. The posterior distribution is difficult to simulate from, due to multiple local modes, and we also use additional data (partial charges on atoms) to help with this task. An approximation is considered for speeding up the simulation algorithm, and the approximating fast algorithm leads to essentially identical inference to that under the exact method for our data. Extensions to multiple molecule alignment are also introduced, and an algorithm is described which also works well on the steroid data set. After all the steroid molecules have been matched, exploratory data analysis is carried out to examine which molecules are similar. Also, further Bayesian inference for the multiple alignment problem is considered.
Keywords:Alignment    Bayesian    Bioinformatics    Chemoinformatics    Markov chain Monte Carlo    Mixture model    Procrustes    Riemannian metric    Rigid body transformations    Shape    Size and shape    Steroids
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