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Amplitude-dependent modulation of brush border enzymes and proliferation by cyclic strain in human intestinal Caco-2 monolayers
Authors:Marc D. Basson  Guang Di Li  Fu Hong  Okhee Han  Bauer E. Sumpio
Abstract:Little is known about the effects of repetitive deformation during peristaltic distension and contraction or repetitive villus shortening on the proliferation and differentiation of the intestinal epithelium. We sought to characterize the effects of repetitive deformation of a physiologically relevant magnitude and frequency on the proliferation and differentiation of human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells, a common cell culture model for intestinal epithelial biology. Human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells were cultured on collagen-coated membranes deformed by −20 kPa vacuum at 10 cycles/minute, producing an average 10% strain on the adherent cells. Proliferation was assessed by cell counting and 3H-thymidine incorporation. Alkaline phosphatase and dipeptidyl dipeptidase specific activity were measured in cell lysates. Since cells at the membrane periphery experience higher strain than cells in the center, the topography of brush border enzyme histochemical and immunohistochemical staining was analyzed for strain-dependence. Cyclic strain stimulated proliferation compared to static cells. Proliferation was highest in the membrane periphery where strain was maximal. Strain also modulated differentiation independently of its mitogenic effects, selectively stimulating dipeptidyl dipeptidase while inhibiting alkaline phosphatase. Strain-associated enzyme changes were also maximal in areas of greatest strain. The PKC inhibitors staurosporine and calphostin C ablated strain mitogenic effects while intracellular PKC activity was increased by strain. The strain-associated brush border enzyme changes were attenuated but not blocked by PKC inhibition. Thus, strain of a physiologically relevant frequency and magnitude promotes proliferation and modulates the differentiation of a well-differentiated human intestinal epithelial cell line in an amplitude-dependent fashion. PKC may be involved in coupling strain to increased proliferation. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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