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Sexual cycle and seasonal changes in the ovary of the red mullet, Mullus surmuletus, from the southern coast of Brittany
Authors:K. N'Da,C. Dé  niel
Affiliation:Universitéde Bretagne Occidentals Laboratoire de Biologie Animale Facultédes Sciences, B.P. 452 29275 Brest Cedex, France
Abstract:The reproductive cycle of the red mullet is described on a macroscopic scale in terms of the GSI, HSI and K , and on a microscopic scale in terms of histological changes in the ovary and changes in the oocyte size frequency distribution. On the southern coast of Brittany the red mullet breeds in May and June. During oogenesis, the previtellogenic period lasts 6 months and the secondary phase of vitellogenesis no more than 3 months. When spawning commences the process of vitellogenesis ceases and up to 20% of the vitellogenic oocytes become atretic. Prior to spawning a single batch of oocytes can be seen to be entering secondary vitellogenesis. During the immediate prespawning and spawning periods the existing vitellogenic oocytes mature but there is no recruitment from the stock of previteilogenic oocytes. This results in a gap or hiatus in the oocyte size frequency distribution between previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes within which there are very few resting or maturing oocytes. The red mullet appears to be a determinate spawner, in which egg loss through atresia considerably reduces the potential fecundity.
Keywords:red mullet    sexual cycle    oogenesis    spawning strategy
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