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Dispersal of Spores of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Scats of Native Mammals in Tropical Forests of Northeastern Australia
Authors:Paul Reddell  Alister V. Spain  Michael Hopkins
Affiliation:Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management, CSlRO Tropical Forest Research Centre, P.O. Box 780, Atherton, Queensland, 4883, Australia;CSIRO Davies Laboratory, Private Bag, Aitkenvale, Queensland, 4814, Australia
Abstract:One hundred and thirty-eight scat (faecal) samples from 17 mammal species native to forests of northeastern Queensland were examined for the presence of spores of both ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Spores of mycorrhizal fungi were found in 57 percent of scat samples representing 12 animal species (Aepyprymnus rufescens, Antechinus godmani, Bettongia tropica, Hypsiprymnodon moschatus, Isoodon macrourus, Melomys ceruinipes, Perameles nasuta, Rattus fuscipes, R. tunneyi, Thylogale stigmatica, Trichourur uulperula, Uromys caudimaculatus). Spores were absent in scats of Antechinus stuartii, Dasyurus hallucatus, Dendrolagus lumholtzi, Petaurus australis and Mesembriomys gouldii. Spores of ectomycorrhizal fungi occurred in 38 percent of scats, and all but one of these samples were from Eucalyptus-dominated sclerophyll forests. Based on the frequency and abundance of spores in scats, five mammals were considered active consumers of hypogeous mycorrhizal sporocarps in sclerophyll forests (A. rufescens, B. tropica, I. macrourus, P. nasuta, and U. caudimaculatus). Individual scats of these animals generally contained a range of distinctive spore types. Spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were found in low abundance in almost 40 percent of scat samples collected, from both sclerophyll forest and rainforest habitats. We suggest that the majoriry of these spores were acquired incidentally through ingestion of soil during foraging activities on the forest floor. Glasshouse inoculation experiments in which seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis and Sorghum bicolor were inoculated with scat material from several species of mammal demonstrated that the spores of ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi retained some viability and colonized the roots of host-plant seedlings. Insufficient information is known of the ecology of mycorrhizal fungi in Australia's tropical forests to speculate as to the implications of these findings for forest conservation and rehabilitation.
Keywords:dispersal    fingi    mammals    marsupials    mycophagy    mycorrhizas    scats    tropical forest    vectors
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