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The role of chromatic and achromatic signals for fruit detection by birds
Authors:Schaefer, H. Martin   Levey, Douglas J.   Schaefer, Veronika   Avery, Michael L.
Affiliation:a Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institute of Biology 1, Hauptstrasse 1, 79104 Freiburg, Germany, b Department of Zoology, University of Florida, PO 118525, Gainesville, FL 32611-8525, USA, and c United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Florida Field Station, 2820 E. University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32641, USA
Abstract:Fruit color changes during ripening are typically viewed asan adaptation to increase signal efficacy to seed dispersers.Plants can increase signal efficacy by enhancing chromatic (wavelengthrelated) and/or achromatic (intensity related) contrasts betweenfruit and background. To assess how these contrasts determinethe detectability of fruit signals, we conducted 2 experimentswith free-flying crows (Corvus ossifragus) under seminaturalconditions in a 2025 m2 aviary. Crows searched first for artificialred and black fruits and detected red fruits from a larger distance.Because artificial red fruits had higher chromatic and lowerachromatic contrasts against foliage than artificial black fruits,crows apparently prioritized chromatic contrasts. Thus, thecommon change in fruit color from red to black during ripeningdoes not increase signal efficacy to crows. In a second trial,crows searched for UV-reflecting and black blueberries (Vaccinummyrtillus) against backgrounds of foliage and sand. Againstfoliage, UV-reflecting berries had higher chromatic and achromaticcontrasts than black berries, and crows detected them from alarger distance. Against sand, UV-reflecting berries had lowachromatic contrasts and black berries low chromatic contrasts.Crows detected both fruit types equally, suggesting that theyused chromatic contrasts to detect UV-reflecting berries andachromatic contrasts to detect black berries. Birds prioritizedchromatic contrasts when searching for artificial red fruitsin foliage but not when searching for blueberries on sand. Wesuggest that the relative importance of chromatic and achromaticcontrasts is contingent on the chromatic and achromatic varianceof the background. Models of signal perception can be improvedby incorporating background-specific effects.
Keywords:eye model   frugivory   fruit color   perception   seed dispersal   vision.
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