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Linking sequestration of 13C and 15N in aggregates in a pasture soil following 8 years of elevated atmospheric CO2
Affiliation:Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA,;Stable Isotope Facility, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA,;Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA,;Institute of Plant Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Abstract:The influence of N availability on C sequestration under prolonged elevated CO2 in terrestrial ecosystems remains unclear. We studied the relationships between C and N dynamics in a pasture seeded to Lolium perenne after 8 years of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (FACE) conditions. Fertilizer‐15N was applied at a rate of 140 and 560 kg N ha2?1 y2?1 and depleted 13C‐CO2 was used to increase the CO2 concentration to 60 Pa pCO2. The 13C–15N dual isotopic tracer enabled us to study the dynamics of newly sequestered C and N in the soil by aggregate size and fractions of particulate organic matter (POM), made up by intra‐aggregate POM (iPOM) and free light fraction (LF). Eight years of elevated CO2 did not increase total C content in any of the aggregate classes or POM fractions at both rates of N application. The fraction of new C in the POM fractions also remained largely unaffected by N fertilization. Changes in the fractions of new C and new N (fertilizer‐N) under elevated CO2 were more pronounced between POM classes than between aggregate size classes. Hence, changes in the dynamics of soil C and N cycling are easier to detect in the POM fractions than in the whole aggregates. Within N treatments, fractions of new C and N in POM classes were highly correlated with more new C and N in large POM fractions and less in the smaller POM fractions. Isotopic data show that the microaggregates were derived from the macro‐aggregates and that the C and N associated with the microaggregates turned over slower than the C and N associated with the macroaggregates. There was also isotopic evidence that N immobilized by soil microorganisms was an important source of N in the iPOM fractions. Under low N availability, 3.04 units of new C per unit of fertilizer N were sequestered in the POM fractions. Under high N availability, the ratio of new C sequestered per unit of fertilizer N was reduced to 1.47. Elevated and ambient CO2 concentrations lead to similar 15N enrichments in the iPOM fractions under both low and high N additions, clearly showing that the SOM‐N dynamics were unaffected by prolonged elevated CO2 concentrations.
Keywords:aggregates    C-13    elevated CO2    N-15    soil organic matter dynamics
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