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Comparative Biology of Zebra Mussels in Europe and North America: An Overview
Affiliation:Department of Zoology, University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1, Canada
National Biological Service, Great Lakes Science Center Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105
Abstract:SYNOPSIS. Since the discovery of the zebra mussel, Dreissenapolymorpha, in the Great Lakes in 1988 comparisons have beenmade with mussel populations in Europe and the former SovietUnion. These comparisons include: Population dynamics, growthand mortality rates, ecological tolerances and requirements,dispersal rates and patterns, and ecological impacts. NorthAmerican studies, mostly on the zebra mussel and a few on asecond introduced species, the quagga mussel, Dreissena bugensis,have revealed some similarities and some differences. To dateit appears that North American populations of zebra musselsare similar to European populations in their basic biologicalcharacteristics, population growth and mortality rates, anddispersal mechanisms and rates. Relative to European populationsdifferences have been demonstrated for: (1) individual growthrates; (2) life spans; (3) calcium and pH tolerances and requirements;(4) potential distribution limits; and (5) population densitiesof veligers and adults. In addition, studies on the occurrenceof the two dreissenid species in the Great Lakes are showingdifferences in their modes of life, depth distributions, andgrowth rates. As both species spread throughout North America,comparisons between species and waterbodies will enhance ourability to more effectively control these troublesome species.
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