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The genetic mating structure of subdivided populations I. Open-mating model
Authors:Kermit Ritland
Affiliation:Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T1W5, Canada
Abstract:The genetic mating structure of a subdivided population can describe how parental genotypes gave rise to zygotes. When parents of the same genotype are considered together as one class (“open-mating”), three independent parameters of inbreeding and mating structure are needed to describe this structure at a diallelic locus. One is Wright's fixation index F. The other two are mating structure parameters, derived herein and termed the “effective selfing” rate E and the “inbreeding assortative selfing” rate D. E is the genetically equivalent proportion of self-fertilization at a single locus, and is given by standardized second and third central moments of gene frequencies of mates. E is a summary measure of inbreeding that includes effects due to self-fertilization and mating to relatives, as well as correlations between mates induced by Wahlund effects and/or selective diversification among neighborhoods. The second parameter D measures the tendency of inbred or more homozygous individuals to effectively self more (or less) than outbred or more heterozygous individuals. D is related to the maintenance of variation of inbreeding among individuals and/or to the prevalence of spatial variation of selection. D is independent of E, but together with E controls the generational change of inbreeding, ΔF. Extensions of the model to unequal allele frequencies in male vs female mates, and to multi-allelic loci, are also examined.
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