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Interspike interval patterns of taste neurons in the hamster solitary nucleus
Authors:Nuding, Sarah C.   McPheeters, Martha   Frank, Marion E.
Abstract:The central nervous system first processes taste informationin the solitary nucleus, which has been almost exclusively studiedin terms of average firing rate. We analyzed interspike intervals(ISI's) of 25 taste-responsive single units in the hamster (Mesocricetusauratus) solitary nucleus. ISI's were measured during spontaneousactivity and during stimulation with NaCl, KCl, sucrose, ora mixture of the three, and graphed on semi-logarithmic plots.Two different ISI patterns were evident: simple (13 units) andcomplex (12 units). Simple ISI patterns had a single broad peakat 284.7 ± 70.4 ms spontaneous and 78.8 ± 12.8ms stimulated. All complex ISI patterns had one distinct, sharppeak for an interval about 10 ms (11.3 ± 0.4 ms: spontaneous,9.3 ± 0.5 ms: stimulated), and a second, broader peakat 273.9 ± 45.9 ms spontaneous and 71.5 ± 14.6ms stimulated. As rate of firing increased peaks in ISI patternspredictably moved towards lower intervals, but ISI pattern-typedid not change. This constancy of ISI pattern held for responsesof a unit across all stimuli and did not depend upon the stimulusspecificity or location of the unit within the rostral poleof the solitary nucleus. Apparently, the pattern that a tasteneuron generates is intrinsic to the neuron and may relate tothe way it processes tast information.
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