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The Harderian gland of the Mexican volcano mouse Neotomodon alstoni alstoni (Merriam 1898): a morphological and biochemical approach
Authors:Villapando Irma  Ramirez Monica  Zepeda-Rodriguez Armando  Castro Agustin Carmona  Cardenas-Vazquez Rene  Vilchis Felipe
Affiliation:Departamento de Biología Celular y Fisiología, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Apdo Postal 70228 Universidad Nacional Autonóma de Mexico, México D.F. C.P. 04510. villalpando@biomedicas.unam.mx
Abstract:The Harderian glands of rodents are large intraorbital exocrine glands with histologic organization that varies among mammalian species. Here we describe some ultrastructural and biochemical features of the Harderian gland in the Mexican volcano mouse Neotomodon alstoni alstoni, a species of restricted habitat. The Harderian glands from male and female adult mice were dissected, processed and embedded in Epon 812 for light and electron microscopy studies. Porphyrin and total lipids were biochemically determined. The macroscopic appearance of the Harderian gland is similar in the male and female. The gland is a bilobulate structure, situated in the orbit towards the posterior side of the eyeball, of whitish color and is surrounded by a connective tissue capsule. The male gland is slightly heavier (127 mg) than that of the female (113 mg). The Harderian gland shows a tubulo-alveolar organization and is composed exclusively of one type of secretory cells. No branched duct system within the gland was found. Adrenergic nerves endings and mast cell were observed in the interstices of the alveoli. Male and female glands produce similar levels of porphyrins. Triglyceride levels were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the female compared to the male. Abundance of lipids could induce corneal lubrication of the Harderian gland which may confer a protective and adaptative function to the volcano mouse in its natural habitat during the dry and cold seasons.
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