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Sfmbt2 10th intron-hosted miR-466(a/e)-3p are important epigenetic regulators of Nfat5 signaling,osmoregulation and urine concentration in mice
Authors:Yu Luo  Ying Liu  Meng Liu  Jie Wei  Yunyun Zhang  Jinpao Hou  Weifeng Huang  Tao Wang  Xun Li  Ying He  Feng Ding  Li Yuan  Jianchun Cai  Feng Zheng  James Y Yang
Institution:1. School of Nursing, The Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Cellular Stress Biology, Innovation Center for Cell Biology, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiang''an, Xiamen 361102, China;3. The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China;4. Zhongshan Hospital, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China;5. Department of Nephrology and Basic Science Laboratory, Union Hospital, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350001, China;6. Fujian Provincial Transgenic Core, Xiamen University Laboratory Animal Center, Xiang''an, Xiamen 361102, China
Keywords:3&prime  UTR  3&prime  -untranslated region  AVP  arginine vasopressin  Aqp1/2/3  aquaporin-1/2/3  Ar  aldose reductase  Cdkn1c or p57  Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C  C2MC  Chromosome 2 miRNA cluster  Dcx  Doublecortin  ddAVP  1-desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin  ENaC  epithelial sodium channel  isomiR  miRNA isoform  Kv1  3  Potassium voltage-gated channel  shaker-related subfamily  member 3  LNA  locked nucleic acid  MRE  microRNA recognition element  Nfat5  nuclear factor of activated T cell-5  mIMCD3  mouse inner medullary collecting duct epithelial-3  OREBP  osmotic response element binding protein  Orai/STIM  calcium release-activated calcium channel protein 1  Pafah1b1  Platelet activating factor acetyl hydrolase  isoform 1b  subunit 1  qPCR  quantitative real-time RT-PCR  Rasa2  RAS p21 protein activator 2  RLU  relative luciferase unit  ROMK  renal outer medullary potassium channel  SCN5A  sodium channel  voltage-gated  type V  alpha subunit  Sgk1  serum/glucocorticoid-induced kinase-1  Sfmbt2  Sex combs on the midleg with four MBT domains-2  Smit  sodium&ndash  myoinositol co-transporter  TonEBP  tonicity responsive element binding protein  Tg  transgenic  TRPV4&ndash  6  Transient receptor potential cation channel  subfamily V  member 4&ndash  6  UtA1/2/3  urea transporter-1/2/3  WT  wild type
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