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Characterisation of global protein expression by two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry: proteomics of Toxoplasma gondii.
Authors:A M Cohen  K Rumpel  G H Coombs  J M Wastling
Affiliation:Division of Infection & Immunity, Joseph Black Building, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK.
Abstract:The development of tools for the analysis of global gene expression is vital for the optimal exploitation of the data on parasite genomes that are now being generated in abundance. Recent advances in two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), mass spectrometry and bioinformatics have greatly enhanced the possibilities for mapping and characterisation of protein populations. We have employed these developments in a proteomics approach for the analysis of proteins expressed in the tachyzoite stage of Toxoplasma gondii. Over 1000 polypeptides were reproducibly separated by high-resolution 2-DE using the pH ranges 4-7 and 6-11. Further separations using narrow range gels suggest that at least 3000-4000 polypeptides should be resolvable by 2-DE using multiple single pH unit gels. Mass spectrometry was used to characterise a variety of protein spots on the 2-DE gels. Peptide mass fingerprints, acquired by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-(MALDI) mass spectrometry, enabled unambiguous protein identifications to be made where full gene sequence information was available. However, interpretation of peptide mass fingerprint data using the T. gondii expressed sequence tag (EST) database was less reliable. Peptide fragmentation data, acquired by post-source decay mass spectrometry, proved a more successful strategy for the putative identification of proteins using the T. gondii EST database and protein databases from other organisms. In some instances, several protein spots appeared to be encoded by the same gene, indicating that post-translational modification and/or alternative splicing events may be a common feature of functional gene expression in T. gondii. The data demonstrate that proteomic analyses are now viable for T. gondii and other protozoa for which there are good EST databases, even in the absence of complete genome sequence. Moreover, proteomics is of great value in interpreting and annotating EST databases.
Keywords:Toxoplasma gondii   Proteomics   Two-dimensional electrophoresis   Mass spectrometry   Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time-of-flight   Expressed sequence tags
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