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Identification of a Two-Component Regulatory Pathway Essential for Mn(II) Oxidation in Pseudomonas putida GB-1
Authors:Kati Geszvain  Bradley M. Tebo
Affiliation:Division of Environmental and Biomolecular Systems, Oregon Health & Science University, Mail Code OGI 100, 20000 NW Walker Rd., Beaverton, Oregon 97006-8921
Abstract:Bacterial manganese(II) oxidation has a profound impact on the biogeochemical cycling of Mn and the availability of the trace metals adsorbed to the surfaces of solid Mn(III, IV) oxides. The Mn(II) oxidase enzyme was tentatively identified in Pseudomonas putida GB-1 via transposon mutagenesis: the mutant strain GB-1-007, which fails to oxidize Mn(II), harbors a transposon insertion in the gene cumA. cumA encodes a putative multicopper oxidase (MCO), a class of enzymes implicated in Mn(II) oxidation in other bacterial species. However, we show here that an in-frame deletion of cumA did not affect Mn(II) oxidation. Through complementation analysis of the oxidation defect in GB-1-007 with a cosmid library and subsequent sequencing of candidate genes we show the causative mutation to be a frameshift within the mnxS1 gene that encodes a putative sensor histidine kinase. The frameshift mutation results in a truncated protein lacking the kinase domain. Multicopy expression of mnxS1 restored Mn(II) oxidation to GB-1-007 and in-frame deletion of mnxS1 resulted in a loss of oxidation in the wild-type strain. These results clearly demonstrated that the oxidation defect of GB-1-007 is due to disruption of mnxS1, not cumA::Tn5, and that CumA is not the Mn(II) oxidase. mnxS1 is located upstream of a second sensor histidine kinase gene, mnxS2, and a response regulator gene, mnxR. In-frame deletions of each of these genes also led to the loss of Mn(II) oxidation. Therefore, we conclude that the MnxS1/MnxS2/MnxR two-component regulatory pathway is essential for Mn(II) oxidation in P. putida GB-1.In living cells, manganese (Mn) is an essential trace element, required for enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and in photosystem II (7). In the environment, Mn cycles between a soluble reduced form [Mn(II)] and an insoluble oxidized form [Mn(III, IV)] that can adsorb other trace metals from the environment and serve as potent oxidizing agents. Thus, redox cycling of Mn has a profound effect on the bioavailability and geochemical cycling of many essential or toxic elements (40). Microorganisms, particularly bacteria, are capable of catalyzing the oxidation of Mn(II), thereby increasing the rate of formation of Mn(III, IV) by several orders of magnitude (39). Since Mn(III, IV) oxides are able to bind trace metals, the bacteria that catalyze their formation are good candidates for bioremediation of heavy metal contaminated sites (26, 39).Although bacterial Mn(II) oxidation is widespread, little is known about the physiological function of oxidation (40). The oxidation of Mn(II) to Mn(III) or Mn(IV) is thermodynamically favorable; thus, bacteria may derive energy from this reaction, although this has never been unequivocally proven (40). In addition, Mn(II) oxidation could protect cells from reactive oxygen species (4) or UV irradiation (11). Since oxidation occurs on the cell surface, the bacteria become coated with the solid Mn(IV) oxides, which may also provide protection from toxic heavy metals, predation, or phage infection (40). As a strong oxidant, Mn(IV) oxides could allow the bacteria to degrade refractory organic matter to low-molecular-weight compounds that could then be used to support bacterial growth (38). Conversely, Mn(II) oxidation may be a side reaction or the result of nonspecific interactions with cellular products (15). Identifying signals or conditions that regulate oxidation could provide some insight into the role of Mn(II) oxidation in the cell. Aside from a requirement for oxygen (28) and iron (27, 30), as well as the observation that oxidation occurs in stationary phase (23), very little is known about this regulation.The enzymes responsible for Mn(II) oxidation have been tentatively identified from some species of bacteria and in several cases the enzyme is a putative multicopper oxidase (MCO). MCOs are a family of enzymes that use four Cu ion cofactors to catalyze oxidation of diverse substrates such as metals and organic compounds (33). This family of enzymes is found in plants and fungi (laccase) and humans (ceruloplasmin), as well as in bacteria (35). Some fungi have been shown to use a laccase enzyme to oxidize Mn(II) (20). In both Leptothrix discophora SS-1 and Pedomicrobium sp. strain ACM 3067, the Mn(II)-oxidizing MCO was identified genetically (mofA [10] and moxA [31], respectively). A third MCO—MnxG—was identified both biochemically and genetically as the Mn(II) oxidase in Bacillus sp. strain SG-1 and related strains (14, 43). Recent work with the Mn(II)-oxidizing alphaproteobacterium Aurantimonas manganoxydans SI85-9A1 and Erythrobacter sp. strain SD21 has identified a second class of enzyme involved in Mn(II) oxidation: the heme-binding peroxidase named MopA (3). This class of enzyme had previously been shown to be used by fungi to oxidize Mn(II) (29), in some cases in concert with an MCO (34).Pseudomonas putida GB-1 is a Mn(II)-oxidizing bacterium (9) whose genetic tractability and ease of growth under standard laboratory conditions make it an ideal model system for studying the physiology and mechanism of Mn(II) oxidation. Consequently, several random transposon mutagenesis screens have been undertaken with this organism to identify genes required for Mn(II) oxidation. These screens have identified several categories of genes as important for oxidation or the export of the oxidase to the cell surface: the ccm operon of c-type cytochrome synthesis genes (8, 13), genes encoding components of the trichloroacetic acid (TCA) cycle and the tryptophan biosynthesis pathway (8) and genes encoding a general secretory pathway (12). The Mn(II) oxidation-defective mutant GB-1-007 has a transposon insertion in the gene cumA that encodes a putative MCO (6). Therefore, P. putida GB-1 has been thought to use a similar mechanism as L. discophora SS-1, Pedomicrobium sp. strain ACM 3067, and Bacillus sp. to oxidize Mn(II).Because the available data suggested that CumA was an MCO essential for Mn(II) oxidation, we wanted to study its function in greater detail. We were hampered in this, however, by the fact that the transposon insertion in cumA resulted in a growth defect due to its polar effect on expression of the downstream cumB gene (6). In order to assess the role of CumA in Mn(II) oxidation without the complications arising from polarity, we generated an in-frame deletion of cumA and tested the ability of the resulting ΔcumA strain to form Mn(IV) oxides. Our results showed that cumA is dispensable for Mn(II) oxidation and have instead revealed a complex two-component regulatory pathway essential for Mn(II) oxidation in P. putida GB-1.
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