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Authors:Angela Lü  ttke
Abstract:Three features of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) in plastids isolated from Acetabularia mediterranea (acetabulum) were analyzed after staining the organelles with the fluorochrome 4′6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI): (1) number of chloroplasts exhibiting DNA fluorescence, (2) number of nucleoids per plastid, and (3) nucleoid morphology. In vegetative Acetabularia cells only half of the total chloroplast population comprising several millions displayed the whitish-blue fluorescence of the DNA/DAPI complex. This percentage remained stable independent of whether cells were grown in supplemented natural sea water or enriched synthetic sea water. A single nucleoid, widely differing in size and morphology among the organelles, was characteristic of 76–81% of chloroplasts with DNA. Less than 20% contained two nucleoids, and in rare cases three or four nucleoids were present. The pattern of nucleoid numbers followed a Poisson distribution in one experiment, if calculated with the intrinsic mean of the observed data. In two other experiments, however, a significant difference existed between observed and expected values for a Poisson distribution according to the Chisquared test. After secondary enlargement of portions of the negatives, the nucleoids’substructure was disclosed and found to consist of brightly fluorescent spots interspersed by unstained regions The lack of cpDNA in Acetabularia cells appears to be brought about by (1) the polarized pattern of growth and translation confined to the apical region of the single cell and (2) the cpDNA arrangement in a single nucleoid acentrically located in the organelle. A scheme for the evolution of a chloroplast population having plastids without DNA is proposed. In theory the lack of cpDNA could arise in each plant, since chloroplasts never evolved a mitotic-like spindle to ensure the equal distribution of genetic material. The different nucleoid arrangement in most other plants, however, efficiently counteracts this ‘carelessness of nature’
Keywords:Acetabularia mediterranea (acetabulum)  chloroplasts  chloroplast division  chloroplast DNA  Chlorophyceae  DNA/DAPI fluorescence
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