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Delineation and phylogeny of Centaurea sect. Acrocentron based on DNA sequences: a restoration of the genus Crocodylium and indirect evidence of introgression
Authors:M. Font  T. Garnatje  N. Garcia-Jacas  A. Susanna
Affiliation:(1) Botanic Institute of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, ES
Abstract: The Mediterranean group Acrocentron of the genus Centaurea is defined mainly on the basis of pollen type, but also by achene characters and involucral bracts morphology. We have revised the delineation of the group by cladistically comparing the sequences of the ITS spacers of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. Our results confirm that the Acrocentron group is a natural one, with a different delimitation from the commonly accepted. The ITS phylogeny supports that Centaurea sect. Chamaecyanus and sect. Stephanochilus belong to the Acrocentron group and suggests that sect. Chamaecyanus should be merged in sect. Acrocentron as a subsection. Contrary, sect. Aegialophila and sect. Crocodylium form a natural group that cannot be placed in the Acrocentron group and should be considered a different genus. The inclusion of Centaurea crocodylium in Aegialophila makes that the prioritary name for the generic level is Crocodylium; thus, two new nomenclatural combinations are proposed: Crocodylium creticum and Crocodylium pumilum. The groups suggested by the ITS sequences are correlated to the main geographical centers of speciation of Acrocentron. However, support for internal nodes of the tree is extremely poor. The low support within the tree and the absence of correlation between karyology and molecular phylogeny suggest that hybridization has played an important role in the diversification of Acrocentron. Received June 6, 2001; accepted April 2, 2002 Published online: November 7, 2002 Address of the authors: Mònica Font, Teresa Garnatje, Núria Garcia-Jacas, and Alfonso Susanna, Botanic Institute of Barcelona (CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona), Av.Muntanyans s.n., E-08038 Barcelona, Spain.
Keywords::   Asteraceae, Centaurea, Aegialophila, Acrocentron, ITS sequences, hybridization.
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